Super Dave tackles the world

Monday, July 10, 2006

Congratulation Italy

Congratulation to the Italian football team in winning the FIFA World Cup 2006. If you look at how Italy win the Final, it's kind of ironic. In 1994, Italy lose the Final to Brazil on a penalty shoot out. The universe is now in balance that they finally win the Final on a penalty shootout. In the 7th minute of the game, Zinédine Zidane hit the penalty shot to the cross bar and the ball bounce IN across the goal line. In the penalty shootout, David Trézéguet hit the penalty shot to the cross bar and the ball bounce ON the goal line and didn't cross the goal line. Well, sometimes, luck and help you and sometime it can go against you. Overall, it was a very well played game by both teams, but it is difficult to see Zidane's professional career have to end like this. Also difficult to see is the World Cup have to be decided on a penalty shootout.

I watched the game in the Rio Theatre in the corner of Commerical Drive and E Broadway. The venue is part of Soccerio event organized by the Vancouver Whitecaps Football Club. Proceed from the admission goes to SOS Children Village charity. Eventhough I have get there 2 hours before the game start in order to secure tickets and seats in the theatre, it was well worth the wait. The alternative is to jam into a standing room only cafe with little ventilation. Althought it is close to where everyone is celebrating after the game, I have made a right decision in choosing to watch the game in the theatre.

After the game, my friend and I walk along Commerical Drive. The police have already closed down the street between E 1st Avenue and Venable St. There was this one dump truck that drove along E 1st Ave with a truck load of Italian fans waving Italian flags. Outside Cafe Roma, people are dancing on top of cars, pickups, SUV. Luckily I didn't park there. People gather around a hand made World Cup trophy made from a shopping cart, some recycle paper, and gold wrap. They are dancing, waving flags, playing football. It was quite some celebration.

Vancouver is such a great place to watch international football tournament. You have all the different ethnic community gather in the sports bar to watch the game. Even though they cheer for different teams, they can still start up a conversation without getting into a fight. After the game fans celebrate the joy of victory while the fans for the losing team wait for their turn for celebration next time. This is what make watching the World Cup on Commerical Drive so enjoyable.

Monday, July 03, 2006

World Cup Fever

Yes, it has been long time since I last post here. Is anyone still here?

During this period of time, I have been busy to finish my work by the end of June. Having said that, I still manage to find time to take into some World Cup Fever in Commerical Drive. I have to say I didn't care much about the World Cup at first since the first week of the tournament coincide with the Stanley Cup Final. After going to the Commerical Drive for a few games, I am fully into the World Cup tournament.

The first game I went to was the Italy vs. USA game in Bouzyos Greek Taverna. My cousin's cousin-in-law and I got to Commerical Drive pretty late, about 30 minutes before kickoff, so we ended up in the last table in this restaurant. The food was pretty good and at reasonable price. The game was another matter. I guess we shouldn't be surprised at how the referee ruined the tournament in the knockout stage given the number of penalties given out. A total of 3 red cards was given out in this game, so it ends up 10 players vs. 9 players. The game end up 1-1 tie, but Italy scored both goal (the tying goal was scored by a header by the Italian defender).

The next day, Woosang and I went to Commerical Drive. This time, we were at Falconetti to catch the Brazil vs. Australia game. On my way there, there were many people wearing Brazilian jersey. The Austrailian put in a good effort in the first half to keep a scoreless tie. The Brazilian is just too strong in the second half to finish the game 2-0.

After the Brazil game, we went to the Rio Theatre on Broadway and Commerical to watch the Korea vs. France game. The theatre just finished major renovation, so all the seats are pretty nice. I would recommend this theatre to watch movie (Support local business). The theatre is about 1/3 full, and about 3/4 of the people there are cheering on France (most of the Korean are in Croatian Cultral Center to watch the game). France dominated the game and score the first goal 9 minutes into the game. Korea didn't register a shot on goal until the 80 minutes of the game. However, the score on the 2nd shot on goal at 81 minutes. Yes, Korea only have 2 shots on goal the entire game. Since France is a higher ranking team, it was pretty exciting to see Korea come back and tie the game.

On Canada Day, instead of going to any Canada Day celebration, I went to Commerical Drive to catch the World Cup quarter finals. As I told my friends before, the England vs. Portugal game WILL go to overtime and eventually penalty shootout. Too bad I didn't know England haven't have much success in World Cup penalty shootout. Since I have more tie to UK, I am cheering for England. The first place I went to was a billiard hall. There were too many Portuguese in there, so I left after the full regulation time and went on the Cafe Roma to watch the Extra Time and Penalty shootout. It was full of England fans there, and yes, too full as it's standing room only. It was quite depressing when the first penalty shot by Lampard is saved by Ricardo. The room came alive after Hugo hit the post and Calgary born Hargreaves score for England. The cheer didn't last long as both Gerrard and Carragher shots are saved while Postiga and C Ronaldo scored for Portugal. The party is on for the Portuguese fans, while the England fan can only watch on the sideline, or in Commerical Drive case, the sidewalk.

After feeling depressed on England lost, I catch up with my friends in Bouzyos Greek Taverna to catch the Brazil vs. France game. I would describe this game as boring. The game didn't live up to the hype. Only 16 shots between these 2 supposedly great teams and only 6 of them hit the target. I couldn't remember much from this game except the goal by France. It's too bad Brazil didn't win as Commerical Drive would be filled with Brazilian fans celebrating.

Well, the final 4 teams are set. Here is my prediction: Germany over Portugal in the Final.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Go Angola Go!!!

I signed up for my office's World Cup pool. Each participant can have maximum of 3 entries. In total, 32 entries are available representing all 32 countries represented in the World Cup. Since everyone wants to pick the favorite, e.g. Brazil, France, a draw was taken to determine who has which countries.

Well, since Canada didn't make it to the World Cup. I will be cheering for Angola.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I am Bert with a Type A personality

Thanks to Ryan for forwarding The Sesame Street Personality Quiz.

You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

I have also taken there Do You Have a Type A Personality? test

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

Monday, May 29, 2006

Movie Review: United 93

I just watched the movie United 93 this past weekend. It's the movie about the 4th plane being hijacked on the day of Septemeber 11, 2001. It's the only plane that did not reach its intended target that day.

Before I entered the cinema, I was pretty sure that I was prepared to watch the movie. I have to say that the memory of that day really cause a lot of stir for me while watching this movie. It is not surprising some people have to leave the cinema in the middle of the movie.

There is no movie stars in this film, no side stories, no dramatic effect. The film is so simple that it's just a remake of a tragic events, yet it's so powerful that it tells the stories of 40 passengers knowing what they could do to save the life of manys. I would highly recommend this movie. However, please be emotionally prepared.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Edmonton Oilers advance to the Cup Final

The Stanley Cup Final will feature a Canadian team for 2nd season in a row. Looks like the trades Kevin Lowe made during the season pays off. Compare to last season, this team has lots of improvements. In Defence, they have Pronger and Spacek; in Forward, they have Peca, Samsonov, in Goal, they have Roloson. All of these players are acquired through trades. It makes you wonder what could've happen to the Canucks if Dave Nonis make better acquistion than sticking with the team we have.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Not a bad way to travel across Canada

If you want to see the scenery of Canada from East to West and don't want to drive, this is not a bad idea (if you have that much money).

Long distance love a fare