Super Dave tackles the world

Monday, May 29, 2006

Movie Review: United 93

I just watched the movie United 93 this past weekend. It's the movie about the 4th plane being hijacked on the day of Septemeber 11, 2001. It's the only plane that did not reach its intended target that day.

Before I entered the cinema, I was pretty sure that I was prepared to watch the movie. I have to say that the memory of that day really cause a lot of stir for me while watching this movie. It is not surprising some people have to leave the cinema in the middle of the movie.

There is no movie stars in this film, no side stories, no dramatic effect. The film is so simple that it's just a remake of a tragic events, yet it's so powerful that it tells the stories of 40 passengers knowing what they could do to save the life of manys. I would highly recommend this movie. However, please be emotionally prepared.


  • At Tue May 30, 12:15:00 PM PDT, Blogger Ryan said…

    I saw United 93 when it first came out. I agree with your review of the film -- before entering the cinema I thought that I was prepared to watch the movie.

    Thank goodness though I had some Kleenex in my pocket, as I ended up crying for the last half of the movie. I haven't seen a movie that had such a huge emotional impact on me in a long time.


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